So, it's been 55 weeks of non-stop work for my classmates and I, and it just ended. For the next two months, at least. I'm not sure what they (Pitt) call this intermission but, I'm calling it "it's about freakin' time". At this time last year I couldn't imagine why or how the second-year graduate students got TWO CONSECUTIVE MONTHS OFF at this point. I remember looking at them, and thinking they'd just ruined this back-to-school gig for everyone because, you know, how would anyone in a positon of academic authority and in their right mind (i.e., intact executive functions as measured by the MMSE) allow their minions to escape for two months without any strings attached? Surely someone would realize there were 47 fewer people jamming their lunches into one 5th floor refrigerator and send an urgent mass email...."Kidding!! Olly Olly oxen free! You're desperately needed back here for ghdhgdghhohgsldghsalh. Oh, and for ^&*#%, too".
But here I sit on Two Months Off Eve, with no assignments due tomorrow, and no exams to take, and no last-minute "jk" email from Pitt. And I'm actually a little teary-eyed. Not because I'm bored already but, it's just been a long 55 weeks, and there were enough moments when I thought I couldn't do it (because I'm too old, because I'm giving up too much with family and friends, because it's too hard, because I'm too hungry, because it's too Tuesday....because, blah blah....). Just like a lot of other folks in a lot of other situations, if I'd known what this would be like, I'm not sure I'd have done it. Actually, that's kind of a lie. I would have, but my attitude would have truly sucked and everyone around me would've been miserable and left. As a fabulous friend recently reminded me, sometimes cluelessness can be an unexpectedly wise partner. Then she walked right into a light pole. Wait. Sorry...that was me.
So what's that got to do with the truth in the universe? What IS IT dammit?, you ask?
Well first, I'm watching a new episode of "Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman" on the Science Channel as I type, which reminds me and everyone that I'm an ENORMOUS geek. I didn't need the last 55 weeks to confirm that truth. So the first truth is that my Pitt-mates and I have spent a good part of the last two months discovering the 'truth in the universe' about clinical research (sounds fancy, it's not), and how to recognize the 'truth in the universe' when we see it (yeh, it surprisingly doesn't just send you a random text, or something). And I think we got pretty good at it. Good thing, because at some point the universe is going to expect us to finish school and start contributing to the tax base again.
So, now I can identify the truth in the universe. It's a wicked mad skill. And you knew I'd apply it in a schmucky way, didn't you.
I actually just wanted to suggest that, despite any many good reasons not to start or finish something worthy, something that you really want...don't. Don't not start or finish, I mean. I fake quit this grad program so many times in my head (pissily sometimes), for lots of reasons. But the truth is I didn't, and never would, because finishing it means working the rest of my life in a field I recognize is exactly where I want to be. That's just one truth. There are obviously many others for each of us (many of mine involve savory edibles, George Clooney, and dog hair). But this particular truth, I wanted to state for the record because I want to re-read this next year, when I'm graduating, and remember how much my Pitt-mates and I will have gained because of it.
See? That could've been a hell of a lot sappier. But it wasn't.
And that's the truth.
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