'Twas the week before Christmas, and the cards just went out
I'm a wee bit behind, yikes, of that there's no doubt
The cookies aren't eaten, 'cause they still need baked
The shopping's not done...who, has put on the brakes?
It was me, and I tell you, with a wee bit of shame
Christmas lept out of nowhere, with its jingles, and flames
My spirit for Christmas is abundant, and true
This pure season, has nourished family, and special friends, my life through
So, why's this year different? So why aren't I "done"?
Done wrapping gifts, done gingerbreading, done stuffing stockings...none, done
It could be the schooling, which I've been doing, it could be money is tight
But those few reasons, don't stop the season...and then the words of a sprite
Who said, "It's okay, it's all, alright! We made a snowman instead!"
"And we played Star Wars, and swung on hammocks, when there wasn't snow for the sled."
And so it hit me, this Christmas worry, was only just in my head
Since to my loved ones, it doesn't matter, that I'm not quite ahead
So I'm humbled, and happy, to be let off the hook
And can stop planning, each ticking second, and maybe sit and read a book
But I'll still be baking, lighting, gifting...just with a little more in mind
Than being perfect-ly ready, or perfectly on time
Because these chances come often, these great prospects to do
Simple things, and pay attention, to each other year thru
I'm not soapboxing, or giving speeches, and I hope I'm not trite
I'm just relaxing, and doing some laughing....that wise sprite is, always, right
~Merry Christmas, Friends~
Well done, mi amiga... I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.